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Verze z 30. 8. 2018, 10:37, kterou vytvořil Artur Demartini (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „ = Measuring success = How to use data to improve your service: measuring, reporting, analytics tools and techniques. How and why to measure performance a…“)
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Measuring success

How to use data to improve your service: measuring, reporting, analytics tools and techniques.

How and why to measure performance and benefits.

  • Using data to improve your service: an introduction
  • Measuring the success of your service
  • How to set performance metrics for your service
  • Measuring the benefits of your service
  • Choosing digital analytics tools
  • Usability benchmarking a website or whole service

Measuring and sharing performance data.

  • Measuring digital take-up
  • Measuring user satisfaction
  • Measuring completion rate
  • Measuring cost per transaction
  • Sharing your data with the Performance Platform